Manage & Share Cloud Collection in Amazon Kindle Devices

As we are all aware about the fact that Kindle is an Amazon product likewise Cloud is a product of Apple. Amazon’s Kindle works on Android platform while Apple’s cloud works on iOS platform. Therefore, if a user needs to change or copy items from cloud to android it could be a tedious task for the ones who are not aware about the simple process that they need follow in order to do so. Cloud Collections enable users to organize contents on their devices into customs categories that are stored in their Cloud account. If you are unable to manage and share your cloud collection in kindle then just contact to Kindle Support number in order to get the best support of your problem easily.

Currently collections of cloud are supported on Kindle 5th and 6th generation & 3rd generation model only. 5th generation is the Kindle Paper-White and 6th generation is the Kindle e-Reader, while the 3rd generation model is Kindle Fire tablet. Cloud Collection gives the users the facility to users to edit, view and create contents using Manage Your contents and devices option section, or by using kindle fire tablets or e-readers. Users have the convenience of adding any number of items in their collection which includes active contents, books, audio books, games, personal documents and normal books. In case the device supports users can also include photos, music, videos, magazines, newspapers.

How to Share Cloud Collections & Manage from Manage Your Content and Devices:-

It is important for users to note that changes made from Manage Your Content and Devices will be synced with devices that are registered with the same Amazon Account. In order to manage Cloud collection from Manage Your Content and Devices screen user nee to visit the option which says “Manage Your Content and Devices?”

Process to Make a new Collection:-

  • Users need to access Show drop down from the Menu, the select Collections.
  • Users then need to select Create New Collection Tab, and then they need to assign a new collection name.
  • Once done they need to click option Confirm, and then select the option Create New Collection option again.

Process to rename a Collection:-

  • Users need to access Show drop down from the menu, the select Collections.
  • Users then need to select the option Actions which is placed near collections, post which users need to assign a new collection name.
  • Once done they need to click option Confirm, and then select the option Rename Collection option again.

Process to Delete a Collection:-

  • Users need to click the option Show from the drop down Menu, and then select Collections.
  • Users then need to click the option Actions which is placed next to the Collections tab, and then click on Delete.
  • Once done they need to click option Confirm, and then select the option Delete Collection option again.

Process to add or delete a collection:-

  • Through Your Content option locates or search for the content.
  • Then select the box close to the collections, post which users need to choose Actions from the drop down.
  • From the Drop down window, select Move collection.
  • Then users will see a pop up window, from which users need to select the option that they need to select and then users need to select Yes, Move Collection.


The above steps stated will help users add, share, delete and rename books in a collection, in case the users face any problem with the same process they can reach out to the technical support team at 1-800-942-6509 for help. The team is available round the clock and offers the users prompt response which is quick and accurate. Writer is an expert of Kindle devices; Go here for more interesting information.



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